GRP Solutions for Roof-top Access
From building a Staircase to reach the roof, to adding Gantries and Walkways that smooth the surface allowing maintenance teams to navigate safely, improving roof-top access can be as simple as adding a Hop Over or as extensive as resurfacing the whole area. The DeckSafe Solutions team can help you assess how much or how little is required to assure HVAC engineers safety while allowing easy access to the control units, ducting and vents on your building.
All our roof-top access stairs and platforms are constructed using QuartzGrip® anti-slip GRP grating with edges highlighted with hi-vis yellow nosing to help reduce trips and falls and to meet The Equalities Act 2010 guidelines. Platforms and steps more than 40cm high are fitted with handrailing, and self-closing gates can be installed where necessary. Glass reinforced plastic is a fraction of the weight of steel equivalents making it an obvious choice for roof installations. Its also easier to handle, reducing the need for lifting equipment and quicker to install.
Once in place, GRP Grating and Structural GRP Profiles are long-lasting and require little to no maintenance. They are UV stable and non-corrosive so won’t fade or rust. The open mesh grating used on the floors and stair treads remains non-slip in wet, icy and even oily conditions.

Quality Assured
We fabricate and quality check everything in our Brantham workshop before breaking it back down into smaller sections that can be easily lifted or carried to where they need to go. (We’ll visit your site beforehand to see exactly what access is like – especially for roof-top installs.) It’s not unusual for the distance between the unloading bays and the installation site to be lengthy and only accessible on foot. Our teams are prepared for such situations and will do whatever they need to do to quickly and efficiently.
If you’d like to improve safety on your roof, or simply need help getting up there, get in touch today.
We also offer a variety of other solutions in the Aviation industry. These include; Access Platforms, Handrail, Staircases, Step Overs, Walkways & Gantries.
Find out more
For a complete roof-top solution call today
Mon-Fri 8:30am to 4:30pm