Pontoon Renovation at Tidemill
We’ve just supplied the last batch of bespoke 38mm green GRP Mini Mesh Grating to The Tidemill Yacht Harbour in Woodbridge, Suffolk as they continue their pontoon renovation, upgrading the walkways, gangways and maintenance ramps though out their facility.
Replacing over 600m of tired, warped and – in places – rotten wood pontoons with anti-slip fiberglass mesh will ensure safe access to the thousands of harbour users even in wet, icy or oily conditions.

The Tidemill Yacht Harbour is a long established development within the natural landscape, and offers a place where families can moor their boat safely, relax and enjoy the gentle, unspoilt surroundings at their leisure. Their facilities include impressive washroom amenities, new fully equipped workshops and now non-slip walkways. They are also on hand for berthing, lifts and cleans, winter storage and all the running repairs and maintenance their visitors may need.
To discuss your boating facility and how GRP can be used to make access safer get in touch.